This is a dish that brings back many memories. My mother would always prepare this dish for a gathering. The key to this dish was the patty shells. McKenzie’s Bakery used to make these shells. This recipe is from the flyer with recipes for fillings to put into the patty shells. You can use Phyllo shells.
4 dozen Oysters and Liquor
1 Onion, grated
1 tablespoon Flour
2 tablespoons Butter, melted
1/2 cup chopped canned Mushrooms and Juice (optional)
Salt and Pepper
Dash Cayenne
2 tablespoons Chopped Parsley
1/4 teaspoon Lemon Juice
12 large or 36 miniature patty shells
Cook oysters in their liquor by bringing to a boil, then simmering 10 minutes. (For miniature patty shells, finely chop oysters before cooking.) Sauté onion in butter; blend in flour until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and oysters. cook 5 minutes; pour into shells and bake at 375 degrees for 5 to 8 minutes.
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