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  • Writer's pictureTommy Centola

Fresh Fruit with Minted Honey

The heat is starting to kick in here in Arkansas. the best way to end a summer meal is with a refreshing dessert. This week, I am sharing two desserts that fit the bill.

4 cups fresh peaches, sliced

2 1/2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced

2 cups fresh blackberries

1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries

1/4 cup honey

1 teaspoon lime zest

3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

3 tablespoons fresh mint, finely chopped, plus more for garnish

In a large serving bowl, combine peaches and all the berries. In a small bowl, combine honey, lime zest and juice, and chopped mint. Drizzle honey mu=ixture over fruit, stirring gently to coat. Garnish with additional mint, if desired. Serve immediately.


Good Cooking, Good Eating and Good Living!!!

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