This rich gumbo was served 5 or 6 times a year to the cooking staff at 4;30 in LeRuth’s Kitchen
1/4 lb Smoked Slab Bacon, diced and sauteed
1/2 cup Salad Oil
4 Branches Celery, chopped
2 Large Onions, chopped
1 Bunch Green Onions, Chopped
4 Toes Garlic, Chopped
1 Small Bell Pepper, Chopped
1 1/2 teaspoon Thyme
2 Fresh Bay Leaves
3 tablespoons Tomato Paste
3/4 lb Fresh Okra. Chopped nad Sauteed well in Bacon Drippings
2 lbs Headless Shrimp 26/30 ct boilrd in 1 1/2 quarts water ( Shrimp Stock)
Brown Roux
3 tablespoons Chopped Parsley
Salt and Ppper to taste
1 lb Fresh Lump Crabmeat
**Brown Roux
1 cup Salad Oil
2 2/12 cups Flour
Mix together and brown in 425 degree oven for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool and store in Plastic cup. Refrigerate leftover for other needs.
Cook bacon and remove cooled bacon. Sauté okra well in bacon drippings until there are no signs of sliminess. Remove Okra from pot. Heat salad oil and sauté all chopped seasonings and herbs real well. Add tomato paste and sauté a minute or two. Add shrimp Stock, cooked bacon and okra. Bring to a boil and thicken with brown roux until desires consistency. Cover and simmer for about an hour. Add peeled shrimp, parsley and lump crabmeat. Adjust salt, pepper, add a little Tabasco. Serve with freshly steamed rice.
Serves 6 to 8