While Ralph Brennan has plans to reopen the building that used to house Brennan’s, he may be in a position to purchase the name and rooster logo of Brennan’s. A judge has ordered the sale of the assets and trademarks of Brennan’s Inc to be sold off to pay creditors. If Ralph is the highest bidder, he will gain the right to use the Brennan’s name. Here is another dish from the colsed restaurant.
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) Butter
2 pounds peeled and deveined medium Shrimp
3 cups sliced Mushrooms
1 teaspoon Basil Leaves
1/2 cup All-purpose Flour
2 cups hot Milk
2 cups Heavy Cream
1 cup chopped Scallions
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon White Pepper
1/4 cup dry White Wine
1 tablespoon chopped fresh Parsley
1/2 cup Sour Cream
Melt the butter in a large saucepan and saute the shrimp for 1 minute. Add the mushrooms, then stir in the basil and flour. Cook the mixture for 2 to 3 miuntes, stirring, then pour in the hot milk and cream. When well blended, add the scallions, salt, pepper, and wine. Reduce the sauce until thickened, stirring frequently.
Just before serving, fold in the parsley and sour cream; cook a few minutes over very low heat to warm the sauce.
Serve Shrimp Victoria over White Rice.